Rolling Up, stories by Michelle Buchanan

The softcover edition of Rolling Up is now available at Bolen Books in Victoria, Book Bonanza on Quadra Island, and at The Greater Victoria Public Library.

The ebook edition continues to be available internationally through Amazon.


Cover of Rolling Up by Michelle Buchanan


Rooted on the west coast of Canada, but reaching as far as London and Baghdad, these stories navigate the internal and external landscape of a diverse group of characters—island drifters, film industry mothers, an activist turned soldier, a soldier turned torturer, an adopted chef in quest of his cultural heritage, an anesthetist watching the slow demise of her relationship. Wrestling notions of identity and personal choice, the characters wend wayward, often humorous, paths through the cultural detritus of our times. In their struggle to make sense of the world, some find clarity.

Michelle Buchanan works in the tech industry in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Michelle grew up in Nanaimo, lodged between the cultures of three disparate family groups. During the Cold War, Michelle enlisted as an army reservist in Nanaimo. She received her B.A. from Simon Fraser University. Michelle has been a social justice advocate and an activist. She has worked on location in the film industry, at a whale watching station, and in a fish plant, among other places, and has traveled to a number of countries, including Morocco, Cuba, Israel, and China. She lived for years in a remote bay on Quadra Island, where, between building a house, digging gardens, milking goats, and driving children around, she wrote these stories.